Bisphenol F epoxy resin

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  • DF170 Epoxy Resin

    DF170 Epoxy Resin

    DF170 is a liquid epoxy resin made from bisphenol F and epichlorohydrin, characterized by low viscosity without solvents or modifiers. When combined with a suitable hardener, it offers excellent mechanical, adhesive, and chemical resistance. It is mainly used for wind turbine blade prepreg, electronic potting material, Vinyl resins, coatings, carbon fiber composites, inks, phosphorus epoxy,adhesives, building materials, and low-VOC or solvent-free composite applications.
  • Bisphenol F Epoxy Resin

    Bisphenol F Epoxy Resin

    Bisphenol F epoxy resins manufactured from epichlorohydrin and Bisphenol-F. It features low viscosity, improved mechanical properties, and corrosion resistance. It exhibits fast impregnation speed with fiberglass and can also be used as a reactive diluent. It primarily used in high-end fields such as wind turbine blade prepreg, electronic encapsulation materials, vinyl resins, coatings, carbon fiber composites, inks, etc. 1.Bisphenol-F Epoxy Resin  (BPF) Grade Appearance Colou...

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